Going camping and living in a tent is an ideal option to relax and to spend free time for many of us. No matter how hot the day is, a night in the tent can be really cold. In such a case, the NILS CAMP brand offers its reliable sleeping bags. Here is NC2007 model.
It is characterized by a very good quality and the best materials. Both the filling and the outer material are durable, modern polyester fabrics. Additionally, they are covered with a coating resistant to the cold and the moisture. This results in a calm and comfort sleep, even at very low temperatures close to zero Celsius degrees. For greater comfort of use the sleeping bag is characterized by special stitching preventing the filling from dislocation. NC2007 is fastened with a zipper, and velcro placed at the end of the sleeping bag additionally protects the sleeping bag from opening.
The sleeping bag is packed in a practical and handy cover.
In most cases sleeping in a sleeping bag means sleeping on the ground. Hence, a great complement is a comfortable mat, preferably self-pumping one. Such original mats, in various interesting colors, are also offered under the NILS CAMP brand.
Abisal Sp. z o.o.
Polsko 41-807 Zabrze
Pyskowicka 17
e-mail: abisal@abisal.pl
- External material: 190T Polyester W/R Cire
- Inside part: 190T Pongee
- Filling: Polyester fiber 250G/m2
- Dimensions:
- Length: 150 + 30 cm
- Width: 60 cm
- Dimensions when folded:
- Length: 37 cm
- Width: 22 cm
- Comfort temperature: 0 - 12°C
- Extreme temperature: -2 - 0°C
- Zipper: yes
- Double zip: yes
- Velcro: yes
- Coating preventing from the cold and the moisture: yes
- Seams preventing dislocation of the filling: yes
- Product weight: 1000 g
- Not for the commercial use
- 24 months warranty